蘇格登 The Singleton Glen Ord 14 Years Old Scotch Whisky 700ml


“Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

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蘇格登 The Singleton Glen Ord 14 Years Old Scotch Whisky 700ml

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蘇格登 The Singleton Glen Ord 14 Years Old Scotch Whisky 700ml
型 號: 020210100432
庫存狀態: 有庫存

Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


The Singleton of Glen Ord 14 Years Old Scotch Whisky

One of the oldest distilleries in Scotland, Glen Ord is steeped in history. Founded on the Black Isle in the Scottish Highlands, it sits on a stretch of land that had been in the possession of Clan Mackenzie for nearly 700 years, when Thomas Mackenzie built the distillery in 1838. It is from this famous Scottish clan that the distillery adopts its motto, Luceo non uro, meaning “I shine not burn” we continue to be inspired by this today, with our emphasis on slow batched distillation.

單一麥芽威士忌領導品牌蘇格登,不斷推出限量酒款,持續帶給威士忌愛好者不同的品酩享受與驚喜,2018年再推出全新「酒廠匠藝系列」,展現旗下三間酒廠Glen Ord、Dufftown、Glendullan不同的風味樣貌,並由首席製酒師Maureen Robinson親自操刀,展現細膩工藝技巧,每年以限量原酒裝瓶發行,深具收藏價值。「酒廠匠藝系列」首支酒款,來自深受台灣消費者喜愛的蘇格登Glen Ord酒廠,以「三次熟成、五桶勾兑」的繁複工法,不經冷凝過濾,以57.6%原酒裝瓶,完美呈現層次豐富、尾韻悠長的「14年單一麥芽威士忌原酒」,令人驚豔的口感,宛如藝術精品的最新力作。未來此系列也將輪流推出其他兩間酒廠的限量原酒,借此展現蘇格登品牌豐富的酒藏、工藝的多樣性,以及更多不同的風味樣貌,以餉所有的威士忌玩家。
此款「14年單一麥芽威士忌原酒」,首席調酒師首度嘗試「三次熟成、五次勾兑」的技法,先在第一次熟成期,將新酒分別注入歐洲橡木雪莉桶(European Oak Ex-Sherry),以及美國橡木波本桶(American Oak Ex-Bourbon)中熟成;再於第二次熟成的陳年期,將勾兌混合後的酒液,分別注入Pedro Ximenez及麝香葡萄(Moscatel)兩款雪莉酒桶中,進行第二次熟成;最後,再將酒液混合放入歐洲橡木的磅芎酒桶(European Oak Puncheon),進行第三次的熟成與融合。如此繁複的工序,造就了層次豐富的渾厚酒液,但也增加了調合過程中的變化與難度,唯有具備豐富經驗與過人技術的製酒師方能成就,也因此命名為「匠藝」系列,以彰顯蘇格登的傲人工藝。

Alc: 57.6
Vol: 700ml



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